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Our JBugs VW Techs have mapped out the front & rear brake hub system on your 1969-1977 VW Beetle. The diagram includes brake cylinders, brake shoes, brake hardware, and most parts available to upgrade and maintain your brake system. Clicking on the dots will take you straight to the correct products needed for your VW Brakes.
Note: Some components in the diagram will have multiple dots because they are split-year parts.
Note: This diagram is for Standard Beetles. Super Beetles will use different components. If you are not sure which model you have look for the spare tire. (Standard Beetle spare tires sits upright.)
From 1968-on, both front & rear brake shoes measured 230mm X 40mm on Standard VW Beetles (does not apply to Super Beetles). The rear brake shoes are easily identifiable by the rectangular notch cut in to accept the parking brake lever. Brake shoes also have an angled edge where the shoes make contact with the adjusting nuts.
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