VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram

VW Beetle
Wiring Diagram
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Repairing the wiring on your air-cooled Volkswagen can be one of the most complicated and challenging parts of the restoration process. Getting the correct wiring is essential for all your Electrical Parts. It is likely that your VW's wiring has been tampered with by different owners over the years. If you haven't overhauled your VW's wiring system, it is likely the Volkswagen's wires are aged, dried out, brittle and cracked. This is why we always recommend beginning your restoration project by overhauling your wiring.
We have created colored wiring diagrams for your convenience. These can serve as a guide or reference for you while restoring your Volkswagen's wiring. We are still working on creating diagrams for all of the models and years. Please call us if you ever have any technical questions or need assistance finding answers or parts that you are looking for.
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