1974 VW Beetle

Dale Wilson

This is Harrison, my 1974 Standard VW. I found this little gem sitting in a garage in the mountains of North Carolina. It was stripped down to a basic shell with a new paint job. Seeing it brought back fond memories of my first car, a ’68 Bug, followed by my next, a ’71. I finally convinced the owner to sell it to me and brought it home and started restoration.

At the height of COVID, our garage caught on fire and burned to the ground. Fortunately, I had moved Harrison outside that morning, but we lost all the parts and upholstery.

Following the garage rebuild, 2 years later, I changed out the original 1600 motor and installed a 1776 for more power in the mountains. Harrison survived a full garage fire we sustained in 2020. He turns heads and I get asked about him every time I take him out on the roads. I am very proud of how Harrison has come out.