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In this video we will be discussing
the installation of disc brake drop spindles made by EMPI. This is a 1969 VW Beetle
we will be converting it to the five by 205 lug pattern using this kit.
Ok let's get this wheel off. Now we
get to the fun part, I have loosened the nuts already this case nineteen
millimeters on the ball joints seventeen millimeter on the tire rod end
typically this would be a castle nut. It appears this tire rod end has already
been replaced. The castle nut been replaced with the locking nut.
Tire rod ends and ball joints can be
kind of stubborn at times to get them to come out of their seats. These ball
joints have been in these cars a lot of years oftentimes you can get lucky with
just striking the spindle and they will come loose. If they don't, well then
you may have to invest in a pickle fork.
The trick is taking the pickle fork
strike it on the end they will come loose. The disadvantage this method is the
pickle fork can tear the boot. Next, to remove the brake line you'll need to
start here. Loosen the break line here first then at the backing plate break
these loose. Want to have something on the floor as you will get some brake
fluid dripping from there. This break may not have been working at all as I
don't see any brake fluid coming out. Oh there's a little bit.
From there, with this loose we've
got the lower ball joint loose this is the eccentric cam this is what they will
be using in order to perform the alignment. This does adjust the camber of the
wheel pull the weight up off of it. Now if you do you still have a stubborn
ball joint this is where the pickle fork or even a good pry bar will come in.
We're ready for the new parts. Here
we'll put on new spindle, the pry bar come in handy here. Don't forget your
original washers. When tightening down the ball joint nuts the lower one can be
a bit finicky. The trick to that is to apply pressure to it with a floor jack if
you jack that ball joint up into the spindle tight it can't really spin.
That makes it a lot easier to
tighten it down. If the eccentric camp starts to spin a set of channel locks
can assist you in that. Keep in mind you will need to get the vehicle aligned
It's important to know when you go
to install your drop spindles in May of 1968 Volkswagen introduced a larger tie
rod end. A little stronger in design, little harder to bend. However when you
go to put in your new drop spindles all of the new spindles have the larger
later 1969 style tire rod end. So you go to put on your brand new drop spindles
and your tire rod end doesn't fit because it's too small good to know, you have
the early ones. When a situation is encountered there earlier tire rod end will
have to be replaced with a 69 and later tire rod end so that ill will fit the
If the ball starts to spin inside of
the tire rod end that will make it very difficult to get the nut tight, the new
replacement tie rod ends have an Allen key slot to assist you to keep that from
spinning during tightening. When installing the bearing races into the rotors manufacture
strongly recommends the use of a press. The press helps ensure that the race
will be installed straight in the rotor and greatly reduces breakage of the
rotor. Keep in mind the manufacture offers no warranty whatsoever against
broken rotors and they say the use of a press greatly helps reduce the
possibility breaking one.
It's imperative to remember that as
you're installing the race, if it does start going in cooked; stop the
procedure, pull the rotor out, turn it over, bang the race out with a
screwdriver or kind of a pry tool you can use to make that work, and do start
process over. If you proceed you will break the rotor and you'll have to buy
another one.
That race is properly installed turn
the rotor over a repeat the process on the opposite side. When packing the
wheel bearings pretty simple procedure. We're going to take enough grease put a
ball of grease in your palm. You're going to take the bearing firm and simply
start scraping, the grease off of your palm to get that nice and packed. As
you're packing the bearings should start to see the grease start coming through
needles on the other side. You want to repeat that with both the inner and
outer bearings. There is now ready to install. Once the wheel bearing is nice
and packed, place the bearing into the race. Grease seal. This is a good
opportunity to use one of the larger bearing race installers, gently tap into
We're ready to put the rotor on to
the car, a few important steps to be taken prior to installing. You want to put
some grease into the rotor; this will ensure good lubrication for the bearings
throughout her life. Secondly very important to use a brake cleaner [of] some
sort to clean the Cosmoline away for the rotor. These are packed in Cosmoline which
is a rust inhibitor and it keeps the rotor from rusting during transit
transport on its way to your car.
If you do not clean this Cosmoline
off it will cake up on the brake pads you will get brakes squeal, brake
vibration, ultimately it will warp the rotors and again you're buying new
rotors. Make sure the rotors nice and clean prior to install.
Let's go ahead and throw the rotor on, make sure you get the brake rotor nice and clean very important to get the Cosmoline off. One question we get a lot is about brake calipers: "How do the brake pads sit in these when properly installed?" Little different than a normal car and if you haven't seen a done it can be a little alarming. The pads simply sit like so, keeping the springs flat, that's how they will sit when installed on a vehicle.
When installing the brake calipers
these torque to 29 foot pounds. After you've got the caliber tight to the
bracket you want to check your spacing here to make certain that the calipers
center compare to the rotor. There are instances due to machining tolerances where
the caliber could be a little off-centered. Manufacture does offer shims, included
in the kit these are used to space the caliber left or right depending upon
what is needed based on these gaps. In this instance nothing was needed this
caliber fit perfectly right out of the box.
Included in this kit are longer
brake lines as the brake line positioning in the caliber is further away than
what the standard wheel cylinder would have been. We'll install these we'll be
using aftermarket wheels on this vehicle so wheel studs will be necessary. Little
Loctite on the wheel stud we're ready for our wheel.
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