1971 VW Super Beetle - Steering Column Installation:
Video Overview:
We got the front steering and suspension bolted on to our 1971 Super Beetle in our last video, now we will get the steering column reassembled so we can turn the front wheels. Follow along with our tech as he covers the assembly and installation.Steering column reassembly: 0:49
Ignition switch reassembly: 2:15
Ignition switch assembly installation: 3:12
Steering column installation: 3:33
Video Tips:
Tools used in this video:Rubber Mallet
Snap Ring Pliers
Small Flat Head Screwdriver
3mm Allen Wrench
8mm Allen Wrench
3/8" Drive Ratchet
3/8" Drive Extension
3/8" Drive 13mm Socket
3/8" Drive 14mm Socket
14mm Wrench