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Hi Sam here with JBugs.com. In this
next set of videos of our 1963 resto custom Beetle, we're going to be lowering,
narrowing, and adding some stopping power to the front end. We're going to
install a two inch narrowed adjustable front beam, disc brakes and drop spindles.
That all starts by getting the original front end off so follow along with us
as we pull off the complete front end in this video.
The rear wheels are chocked, and the
front lug bolts on both sides are loosened. The front end is jacked up, and the
front of the pan is set on jack stands. We aren't setting the stands underneath
the beam as we will be removing the beam shortly. The car is lowered onto the
stands, and then the front wheels are removed from the drums. On the driver's
side the speedometer cable cir-clip is pulled off the grease cap, and the
grease cap was removed so we can access the spindle nuts.
The spindle nuts are reversed
threaded on the driver's side and loosened accordingly. The brake drum is
pulled off the spindle complete with the bearings and seal. The front left
brake hose is cut as we will be replacing all the brake hoses later. The
backing plate is unbolted from the spindle, so that we can remove the backing
plate as a complete assembly with the brake shoes and wheel cylinders intact. The
speedometer cable is pulled from the spindle and tucked away on the inner
fender well.
Next, the left tie rod is removed
from the spindle, then the inner left tie rod end is removed from the pitman
arm. We follow that with the inner right tie rod end as it is easily
accessible. Now the link pins can be loosened from the control arm by removing
the two lock bolts. One on the upper control arm and one on the lower control
arm. With both lock bolts removed, the spindle and carrier are removed from the
control arm, with the assistance of a hammer, to push the link pins through the
arms and to tap the assembly free.
Our 1963 Beetle doesn't currently
have a fuel tank so our next steps are much easier. If your car does have a
fuel tank in place, it will need to be removed to access the steering damper, the
steering coupler and the upper beam to body bolts. The steering damper is
unbolted from the beam, and the steering coupler in unbolted from the steering
column. The cotter pins in our bolts were stubborn to we ended up removing the
clap bolt for the column and then removed the column from the splined end. The
two upper bolts from the body to the beam, the spindle nuts on the right side
are standard right hand thread. The right side wheel, drum, backing plate, and
spindle assembly are removed from the beam following the same steps used for
the left side.
Typically the beam could be removed
from the car as a fairly complete unit at this point, by removing the four beam to
chassis bolts. In our car we had to continue the tear down further as too long
of a shock bolt had been used at some point on the upper left shock. The bolt
had actually pushed through the inner fender well and made removing the beam as
a complete unit more difficult. The stock sway bar clamps are removed from the
trailing arms by bending back the fold over tab on the clamp plate and tapping
the clamp plate off the clamp. Then the clamp can be pried off the trailing
arm. This is done at all four clamps and then the sway bar is removed.
The right shock absorber bolt is
unbolted from the shock tower and the lower control arm and then removed. After
we've chiseled through the caked on grease, we loosen the set nuts on the grub
screws from the upper and lower control arms. The grub screws are un-threaded
from the trailing arms. The trailing arms are removed from the beam. For the
upper control arms it's easier to pull up on the arm slightly and remove the
suspension stop. A hammer can be used to move the upper control arm past the
suspension stop where it can then be pulled out of the beam. The same steps are
taken for both sides but in our case as we've mentioned the upper shock bolt on
the left side was too long and could not be removed so it was left in the beam.
Now that all four trailing arms are
removed, we can remove the four beam to chassis bolts and because the left shock
bolt [is] poking through the body, we have to pry and tug the beam from the
body. Normally the beam would be much easier to remove nearly falling out once
the beam to chassis bolts are removed so be ready and maybe have a few friends
to help lower the beam to the ground. With the beam out of the car we can
remove the troublesome shock bolt which was a poor fix for a stripped out shock
tower. Now the steering box can be unbolted from the beam and our disassembly
is complete.
We will be saving the front spindle
carriers, trailing arms and the steering box. We will also save all of the
hardware and lock plates. Some will be reused; some will be replaced, either
way save the hardware you're removing until the projects complete. You never
know when an original bolt or lock plate may come in handy. Everything will be
cleaned and the steering box and arms will be painted and used in our next
video. Stay tuned, thanks for watching and stop by JBugs.com the next time you
need front suspension parts or any other parts for your vintage VW.
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