Two of the bars for the subframe are in the way of the back two exhaust pipes so Sam & Nate have to go back in and redesign it.


JBugs Video Blog, VW Tech Tips

Video Transcript

Hi guys, I'm Sam. And I'm Nate. Welcome to our garage, where I screwed up.

But I'm not too proud to admit it, and I have no problem going back and fixing things. This is why it's nice to have all the pieces put together when you're doing stuff. Somebody actually mentioned this in the comments at some point. I thought I was in good shape, but I was not.

Yeah, so the issue we have here is this exhaust port and this tube—they want to be in the same spot. I'm going to have to cut these tubes out. Thankfully, we have some spare ones. What I screwed up on were these bent tubes, so we can just replace them with something like this, and then it's going to clear. I've got to come through and cut this tube out on both sides, grind everything down, so I'm going to get to cutting on that.

Nathan's got a new business venture he's working on—some engine block-off plates. So he's going to get to working on those, and I'm going to get to work on this. When he's done, we've actually got four orders for the engine block-off plates. Yeah, and that was just on the first day of posting. Yeah. So I'm going to get him squared away so he can work on that, and I'm going to get to work on this. You guys can watch.

The transmission has got to get out of the way.

All right, those guys are out of the way. Time to clean up all the edges now.

All right, back to square two. And using a corded grinder actually works a lot better—there's a lot more torque in these things than there is in a handheld one. But handheld ones are convenient. I'm going to blow out all this mess.

All right, not even an hour in from the start, got our tubes ground down. I'm going to stick the transmission back in, get it bolted up with the cross member, and then I'm going to stick the engine in. Then we're going to go through, get these tubes designed, get them notched, set them in place, tack them in place, then pull the engine and transmission out, and weld everything back up properly.

You see the tight spot I’ve got to deal with? I have to go from here down to there. I might want to put a little bit more bend on them, but I don't know if I can. I'll see if I can chuck them up in the bender and see.

Put a couple more degrees of bend in this. What I'm trying to do is go from there to there, give ample room for the exhaust, ample room for that, and still have plenty of room for the valve cover. Pretty shallow cut there. Get a marker and see if I can't notch that out.

Angle of about 72 degrees, so that's about an 18-degree notch.

I think that'll work well. Just got to make another one of these for the other side.

Nothing a little hammer and some heat won't take care of. Yeah, I think that'll do nicely. Let's tack it and see.

Nate, what do you think? I think it looks good. All right, I'm just going to clean up real quick and then pull the engine out. Then I'll get all that leveled back up, and then we're back to square one.

Guess what we did today? We mounted the engine, which we could do.Yeah. Yeah, it looks good though, huh? Yeah, it looks better like that too, versus just little straight pipes. Not as strong, but what does strength matter when you can't drive? Yeah, we're also going to have to drill a hole in this tube right here. Oh yeah, for the accelerator cable. Yeah, that's nothing. Boom. Yay! Are we also going to need—Yeah, we're going to need to take the transmission out too. Yep. Uh, 15? There might be another 15 up there.

Now, back to where we were, huh? Yeah, got some welding and filling to do, and some beating. You like to smack those down? Like smacky-smacky and weldy-weldy? Let’s get the hammer. Time for this one. Yeah, that’ll make you more like this big boy. That’ll work. Well then, let me grab the honey. So what if it's hot? It should've been.

All right, this is all welded up. Let’s stab this engine back in and see if we can’t get that bumper done.

Actually, put the transmission in. I don’t think we really need to do anything—we know the engine clears off the shock towers and that rear point. So I don’t necessarily think we need the engine and transmission in to do the bumper. What do you think?

No, I mean, it'll look cool with it in, but if I’m having to fab new mounts off the bottom mounts and everything else, it's going to be a pain. Well, how about after we put our log mounts in? Then we can put it in. Yeah, then we can pull it all off, put the engine in. It’s in the shed. You want to grab it?

I guess in a moment. Let's throw them in, see where it goes, and see what it's got to do. Oh yeah, cuz we need the back. Yep. Sorry.

In the—we can just bolt it in, see where it goes. No, we can't though, cuz now this tube's in the way of those tubes. We've got to cut it down. Oh yeah, didn't you bring home a couple of these things for it?

Yeah. Means we got probably—well, we may have to modify these top tubes, but I'm just trying to see where these things on the bottom go in relationship to those guys. It looks like just here, like we can probably just cut it, notch it, weld it in here, and then just that. I want them to come in straight, in line with these guys. Straight in line with these. I mean, I like how—like them right now. The problem is the bottom—what current is just inside or outside of those, and I don't necessarily want those to come in there.

All right. Okay, new plan. So what we're going to do is weld a nut to the backside of this washer. This bolt doesn't fit through that washer—it's actually just an old shock washer—but this washer does fit nicely over the end of the tube. Once we can get a bolt through there, we'll weld that in place on the end of the tube. Then we can bolt through the backside, through that tab, through that washer, into that nut, which will be inside that tube. Much nicer than the little sleeves and all that stuff, trying to line that up. So let me work on that.

(Background music plays. Applause.)

There’s no filament, so it definitely can't print. It's not going to print with no filament.

What do you mean? That's the craziest thing I done ever heard, man. You said you need filament to print. Anybody who's ever printed—

Okay, fine, fine, fine. You're the boss. I'm the boss of 3D printing? Yeah. I don't know nothing about no print—I didn't even know how to make a pretty design. You showed me.

Come into right—there it is. Oh yeah, that looks—so then from right under there into right there. You like that? Yeah. Start. Well, I think we need to get the—well, I need to flip, pull the bumper off again, and modify the bottom sides of my—those out. Yeah, grind those out. Sorry.

Yeah, it's late. Um, I caught my sleeve on fire. Oh, that's not nice. I can go like this. Fifteen, those guys in.

Dinner's done. Okay, we'll be in in just a few moments.

Okay. I mean, it doesn’t even smell—it doesn’t look like it's quite a 14 either. It's like one of the weird things, one of the weird math equations.

Does it fit with the exhaust also, having all the suspension be nice and that—

Started? Are the frame horn bolts in too? They're in, they're just not tight. That's fine. Oh yeah, we're definitely—oh no, never mind. These ones. Yeah, that works. I mean, we should probably just do a straight to that. I mean—actually, I don't know. I'll bring the jack thing in here so then we can—

Keep going, keep going. You got a while to go. Go. Trouble with the, uh, the engine. Keep going, keep going—right there. I mean, does this even need to go down? Yeah, if it's on the S, and it just comes down to help. Or where do you want that. That's—but you can put it in the middle, you can put it just down like that. Go back down and look at this side. So just set that down.

At this point, the S thing—I don’t even like it. It just doesn’t even fit. Uh, like, I think in here, cuz when it goes all the way out there, it just kind of looks bad. Well, it’s almost a straight shot from here to the back—to the back too. So straight from here to here. That—yeah, I don’t know. I think going in there but—

But can we just do something small? Up until I cut these things off, you were all about the S’s. Now, now you don’t like them? I mean, I like the S’s just cuz then we didn’t have to do anything like this. Okay, well, now that we do them, we can do it. Yeah, now that we did it, I might as well go straight. But there's nowhere straight to go to. That's what I'm saying. Here, you can go straight to that bottom tube. Yeah. You want to do that? Yeah, straight tube from there—there. You like that? Yeah. That will be Thursday's project, I guess.

On that note, we're going to call it a night, go get some dinner, and we'll be back at this probably Wednesday, maybe Thursday night.

We'll catch you guys then.

All right, guys, we're back at it again for a couple of hours tonight. Not much has changed other than the date. Let’s figure out what our level is on here. We are about 2 degrees, and we're also at about 2 degrees.

So that was—but the thing is, what matters is—do we like the angle in relationship to the engine case? It could come up just a touch, but it's not bad. What do you think? Well, like, closer to the case? Like, up like that? Yeah. Well, I mean, to be honest, I like it as low as possible. Cuz, again, keep in mind, the front end's down right now, so the rake of the car isn’t correct.

Well, then we need to figure that out then too. Cuz I want the bumper to sit pretty much up and down. Cuz if it's tilted up like this, it—then this is the—

Well, level to the car means you're going to have a big old gap, and then your engine is going to be at an angle. I think if we make the cage level to the engine, the engine and everything else will look better out the back. But it’s up to you—it’s your car.

I mean, I just mainly want it to look good. I mean, if we can get the chassis level and then see where it—

Well, again, the engine is not level with the chassis. Remember, the engine's kicked up.

I know, but I—I just want to see where the chassis is leveled, though. I mean—dang, that's actually not—visually, it’s not— Yeah, that's about—about level. All right. I mean, the bumper—if you get to like there—right?

All right. We’ll put the jack underneath it—this looks pretty decent, and we can iron that in once we get our Tuesday.

So anyway, what we're thinking is, I've got some pre-notched pieces made—well, I made some notched pieces that will sit right there. We’ve got our junction piece, which will sit like that. And then—Nathan—straight out to the middle, right here. Yeah, which—it’s like, it goes pretty much straight to there, which is good. Which is what we’re looking for. I think that works out pretty darn good.

All right. So let me buzz these down real quick. You want to grab a 13 and pull that end out of that guy over there? Two 13s rather. That guy and that guy. Good enough.

Now we can do the other boys. We can get our tuby tubes, slick those in, and then see where they need to be to, like, measure. And a marker—need one, just need—this is going to be an eyeball. Always walk. Hard part is whether or not we're going to be able to get that into the notch.

Where's your glasses? Uh, I don't know. That's why I was squinting. Second what? Safety second. Yeah, sure. How much metal can—there's like barely anything.

Not—Notch. Now, how's the fit? Do you like that? Yeah, that looks good. I mean, it's so cool how it's the whole rear suspension, subframe, and everything kind of just ties together, you know?

Yeah, and shoot, that notch was, like, perfect. Yeah, if it goes right in between all the welds and everything. Yeah, I don't think we could have planned that any better, dude. Yeah, like, we need to make this like a kit or something. Yeah, well, or we can just show people how to do it on YouTube. Yeah, then they can do it, and you guys can do it at home.

All right, well, let's use this as a model to make the other tube, and let's, uh, test fit it on that side. Like, about there? Seems like we have a little bit of a cockeye in this.

Yeah, I'd say let's get that side made, and then we'll make this up. Since that one seems to hit so perfectly over there, we'll make this one, and then we'll make that one perfectly over there.

Yeah, all tacked in place, buddy.

A bumper. It is a bumper with a— The subframe moves, so got—got a lot, lot of leverage on it. What time is it? 7:22. I got to take a shower. And so you're not going to group today? No, they canceled tonight. Oh, there we go. That is good. Yeah, and I'm holding my weight up on it. Dang.

So that's the rear bumper remounted—short tube tubing, coupler stock tube cut down, and notched into our empty double tube rear bumper. You guys can see how it looks looking down that tube. And now it looks looking down that tube.

This little upright makes it actually look like it's worthwhile. And then, of course, this one looks like it's worthwhile because of that. That's—honestly, this is how this bumper should have been made from the factory. I don't know why they came in— Oh yeah, originally it came into the top of this tube right here. I actually had to look for it cuz I did a decent job of cutting it out. But yeah, originally this tube came in right there. That didn't make no sense, especially when you got that tube right there. Just use that tube. Looks so much better.

Wouldn't you agree, Nathan? Do you agree? Yeah. What do you got there, Nathan? Uh, AC condenser. Oh, all right. So now we got to see where this is going to go.

Oh, okay, so like, this, that, or upside down one way or the other. Or that way, like that. That can't be up against the body. We got to get it in there. Probably going to be something in the neighborhood of, like—but a little bit away from the transmission so it doesn’t— Well, the transmission is solid-mounted. Yeah, and we—we have to have some airflow, so drop it down as well as you can. All right. And then bring it up just a touch. Right there. So probably something right about like that. Yeah, where that guy's going to mount.

So we just need to make tabs that go in. Yeah, because this is aluminum, so we got to get, uh, L-bracket and L-bracket, bend it over that way, and bring this one down in that way. And then we can just bolt it— Well, we can weld those brackets to the tube here, and then we can bolt— Saying, the cool thing about this thing is that when you touch it, it's very cold. I mean, probably because it's outside, but it's also metal—aluminum, which gets cold.

Yeah, so how are we centered as far as on the tube? This one is, like, out, and this one's in. All right, that's about where I'm at too. So yeah, come down with an L-bracket that way, drop it that way, come down with an L-bracket straight that way, and bring it out that way.And then we can bolt that and that right there. Yeah.

And then, um, what about these things? These just—oh wait. So that's—we got to go from here to our lines here and from here to our lines here. But we also need to get our receiver dryer. Now we got to get a dryer in here. What’s that going to—oh, is that, like, it goes in between one and the other? Yeah, this is our receiver dryer, and I don't know anything about air conditioning, so this is all new stuff to me.

But this is our receiver dryer with the low-pressure switch. That’s going to install into our receiver dryer from Vintage Air. I bought this directly from Vintage Air. I didn’t get any deals. I paid full price for it. Uh, that’s where our steel lines came through in the tunnel. I got them from Vintage Air. Um, so I have to see if that goes on.

I think the larger side is our low-pressure side, and then high pressure—and this is our high-pressure side. And I think this has to go on our high-pressure side, but we're going to have to— Me—yeah, I don't know anything, so I'm going to have to double-check all that. But— And then, I guess we can just— Clamp—this is just a clamp to hold that in place somewhere. Yeah, we'll figure that out. Well, fortunately, we've got lots of tubing and stuff back here.

At this point, we got to unbolt this, pull the engine out, bolt this back in, weld it in place, weld everything up while it's in place. That way, all these joints and everything else, as it heats up and cools—uh, on every single one of these joints—it does so where it's supposed to be. Otherwise, if you just weld this over here and weld that over there, these tubes might end up being all sorts of, uh, crazy directions.

So yeah, we're going to weld these all up in place, and then we're going to let them cool in place. And then we'll unbolt it, and then we'll probably still have to come back in and do a little massaging next time we bolt it in place. But at least we know, right now—it bolts up. Yeah. We’ll catch you in the next section. Bye.

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