Video Transcript
Hello, Nathan's just trying to figure out how to install sun visors. What did you learn so far? I'm not very good at doing it right. What did you also learn to begin with? This one's shorter than the other one, so there's a left and a right. Yeah, and this one has that thing and that one doesn't. Yeah, that's what I get from grabbing out of our spare parts bin as opposed to new inventory. What do you want for free parts, Nathan? I want it to at least exist. Fair point.
Can Nathan figure out how to put in a visor clip properly? Nope. Yeah, you had it. Maybe that way works too. Ha, there you go. They are keyed. Boom, just like that. And then screws, and then screws. Look so easy, even a 14-year-old can do it. Yeah, I mean, I also built the engine out of this car and did the top one on this engine. There you go. Fancy.
And we already mentioned this one's missing, but how about I just 3D print a new one? I mean, you really probably could. It's just a round post that pokes in. Yeah, I mean, I have to 3D print it this way. There is a left visor and a right visor because the mirror is offset to the right side, so it's got a bigger cutout on this side than it does on that side.
Hi guys, I'm Sam and I'm Nate, and we are in the interior of Nate's Baja Bug, putting in some panels and some other finishing touches to make the interior a little bit nicer place to be. Nathan has his foray into installing some Hushmat. I've seen better jobs, but I've seen worse jobs. Either way, it'll definitely help to quiet down the interior of the car versus like absolutely.
Okay, along the lines of sound deadening, got a piece of foam here cut out for our latch, cut out for our pull rod, cut out for our window crank there. And while I've got that one made, Nathan used it as a template to make another one that we can put on the other side when the time comes. I'll get this one installed, and then I'll put in some Hushmat in there, and then we'll do all this on the other side as well.
Thursday, March 6th. Working on this door now, getting some sound installation in here to match what we've got done on the other side and inside the quarter panels. Apparently, the most important thing with this stuff is to make certain that it's bonded really well. Apparently, see, can I do the rolly bit? You can do the next bit. Next bit? What's the next bit? This bit right here, and that bit right there's got to go.
Nathan's still printing orders, and we have more stuff. Upgraded his printers. Yeah, we got a whole new set of printers. Took all his profits and bought new printers, and we're probably going to sell the old ones because they're like obsolete at this point. Yeah, well, they got you this far. That looks a little bit better than the job I did on the back. Well, you got to start running somewhere.
Alright, I will help you get this piece in, and then we'll do that piece, and then we can help me get that. Yeah, this piece right here. Oh, we're going to test fit our next pieces. Yeah, agreed that happened yesterday. So that's about perfect. You go there and there. Is it easier to do individual pieces? Yeah, it's going to be really hard to peel out behind that, so we get that peeled back to start. Try to get this corner peeled back.
I mean, I was able to stick the whole panel on and then take it back off and redo it. Looks a little bit easier in the front, maybe because you don't have to literally slide into everything all four corners at once. Doing individual pieces seems a lot easier. That's why I would start with this. Oh, get it more or less in the shape, so have at that.
Have it this. Have at that. Yep, it'll all push in all the way up. You got smaller hands than me, so it should be easier for you. Almost like knocking on a house door as opposed to a car door. Yeah, well, I mean, to be honest, this was never that bad. Yeah, well, guess what? That's how we do that.
Yeah, okay, I got all... I get the wide roller. Much the wide roller. The wide roller was where? Second you can... now he's putting in some door panel clip seals. Three across the front, three across the top. Oh, so not right there? Not right there. You got three across the front. Alright. Oh, never mind. I didn't see that one. Say, I can't see it in the camera, so I didn't think you had it. I was like, huh. The other third one. The third one across. There we go.
Alright, now you got to install the clips. Yeah, the most fun part as far as I'm concerned, watching you do it. Yeah, pointy end in first, and then pull them back out like that. Yep, just like that. You need sneeze on those when you have fingers. Well, I like my fingers, so you want to point them in pointy hooked in first. You're going to go in that way and then out that way. In that way and then out that way.
Yeah, Volkswagen made everything so easy. Yeah, you say that now. It's sarcastic. So, what's wrong with the... whatever the heck interior? Um, headliners. Why are they hard to put in? Vinyl headliners. They're just a pain in the butt to stretch. Oh, tweed ones are easier. Tweeds are way easier. Cloth headliners are super, super nice to work with, and they look better too.
Oh, you know what? Maybe we can get a unisuede one. What the heck is that? Remember the headliner of my Super Beetle? The tan one? Oh, that all like weird stuff, like the '80s? No, it's actually suede, and it's high-end interiors, like supercars run suede. Wait, like is that the stuff where you rub your hand against it, it's one color, the other way another color?
Check the alignment on the front. You see how close those things are to the actual point where they need to be pushed in? Um, perfect is... perfect is... well, perfect doesn't get them in when you're banging it in. I mean, they're all centered pretty much. Okay, set it across the top and then look at the top side and see how they look. Um, very bad.
Okay, so that's definitely where you got to do some adjustments. Then set it back up there, get a feel for it. That one needs to go like super bendy forward. How about the rest of them? Back and the back one, but... whatever. I did that middle one. Popping? Yeah, it feels like it. And then these guys, come on. These guys were like lined up.
Yeah, they were until you moved the top panel. I can still feel where they need to be. That guy needs to go up. You push too hard, you're going to break the panel. Yeah, you don't want to do that. Take it out again or what? If you have to. How would you do that?
Alright, hold on. I'm going to stop filming and help him out. But you get the idea, door panels.
Yeah, that one's already in. Well, I got that in somehow. Somehow or another we still got to change out those knobs on that pop-out window to black, but we haven't got them in yet. Why, you don't like the... I just think it looks out of place. And Nathan and I are going back and forth on his headliner. He wants to do black. It would look good, but I think something in gray would look better. But anyway, well, I mean the thing is we don't have any other gray except for this big huge gray roll bar right here.
Well, I mean it's... and after looking here, there's another gray right there and there's another gray right there. Well, that's metal gray, and there's chrome right there that, when you look at it, kind of reflects gray. But gray, you know? Yeah, it's like having gray shorts and then metal. It's not the same. Yeah, except they're not right next to each other. So yeah, it is right next... it's like, yeah, whatever, dude. I think it will make the roll bar pop. Yeah, it will. You want it to pop? Yeah.
Alright, well, if we're doing black, we're doing black tweed, not black vinyl. So tweed like your headliner in the thingy thing, or what? The headliner in the thingy thing didn't have the thing. Didn't have a headliner. Well, not the thing, but my 1970 Beetle. No, my 71 had a unisuede. You had a 70? I've had lots of bugs, dude. Cool. I don't recall seeing your... well, my 72 red bug had a tan vinyl. Yeah, that's the first one you ever worked on. I'm pretty sure it didn't have these seats though.
Black seats? No, it didn't have black seats. It had brown and tan. I know, that's why I wanted to... but it costs a pretty penny to redo these seats. To mention the fact that all the black trim and everything brings me back to my original idea, which is pretty black interior. Black on black on black on gray charcoal carpet. Yeah, which is why... ooh, what if we did charcoal tweed headliner?
Well, like that... it's this material but in charcoal. Kind of to match the carpet. I mean, if we could match this color, maybe. But we can match this color. This is just black, this is easy to match. But this and the carpet aren't right next to each other in the back. The charcoal headliner... is it going to tie in with the carpet? It would tie into the carpet because that will be next to each other right in the back. Plus black on black door panels, black vinyl, and black wouldn't look very good either.
So maybe a charcoal tweed headliner. Wait, the charcoal tweed's close to the charcoal carpet? Well, no. I think that would be a good combination. It'd be a little bit darker gray than this. It wouldn't be black. Maybe that's a good compromise. Yeah, maybe we'll go that way. Unless we have a charcoal unisuede. Unisuede is super nice, but I'll see what we can get.
So that was in the 71? 71 had unisuede. Yeah. What else can we do? I guess we can show off our cup... show off our cup holder. I don't like the plug-in chugs because now... because then you have a radio right in front of here. But anyway, you can see what we're working on there. A cup holder. Those guys and those guys. Drink holders. Only drawback is it's a little tight getting in here. You got to watch your toes, but other than that... keep in mind the seat is all the way up for Nathan, but I've got my foot on the outside of the clutch.
Still plenty of room down here. Don't believe me? Try it for yourself in your own Bug. And again, you just got to be careful when you're getting out. Mind your toes on your cup holders. Space for a garage door opener. Large beverage. Coke can. Lighter happens to fit right here if you know you like to have a lighter for sake of a fire. Sharpie fits there. Cup holder fits there.
To further our sound-deadening capabilities, we got one big sheet. Stick this on the roof. That will do. Just got to roll that out. But that made a big difference from what it was before. And then it ain't even pushed in yet. You get the idea. I'm not going to bore you with all this.
Alright, guys, it is Friday, March 7. We have to go to a car show tomorrow, right? You don't have to, but it'll be nice. Well, we're going to try to take Nathan's Baja Bug literally just down the street to O'Reilly's. Yeah, we were at this car show back in June. We drove this car to O'Reilly's for a small, just local car show get-together at our local O'Reilly's. And then I came home, and I hopped in the truck, and I drove out to California for the empty engine bound.
So anyway, right now I am working on tail lights. I ran that tail light wire over to here, loomed it in with this guy. Now I have our license light, right tail light, and our left tail light, and I'm just combining all the wiring for these. Nathan, what do you think of all this stuff? I don't know. The most I've wired is just underneath Grandpa's train layout, which is basically just a whole ton of blue and white wires and then red and black wires.
So, well, we've got red and black and white and yellow and green, and all these wires do something. Yeah, I will get it done because you know how to do it. Because I know how to do it. This is pretty complicated for you once we get to the rest of the car. If I knew what all of them did and then what one... I mean, well, up here we've got ground. Yeah, I know Brown's ground. We've got black and red... what? What is black and red? Positive, I'm guessing? It is positive, but what signal for what? I have no idea.
What is red? Think about red. Brakes. There you go. And then we have black and green. Green has an "R" running RS. Um, reverse? No, right turns. Oh, right. Black and white, left. And white and black, running light. There we go. So we've got brown for ground. Black and green is right turn signal. Black and white, left turn signal. White and black, running light. Black and red is brake.
These five wires will go to a Deutsch connector and then into a harness that runs down here to all these lights. But I've got to get all these connected, so I'm going to get to that. Yeah, Nathan, you can go monitor your 3D prints or maybe pull off the front end. You can start unwinding that so we can get all the wiring hooked up up front.
Alright, I am in the midst of connecting our tail light harness to our main harness with a Deutsch connector. This is the first time I've ever used the Deutsch connectors. These are actually really nice. I've always used metric pack and weather pack connectors. I definitely prefer these. They are a lot more compact. Nathan, what are you doing?
These move. Yeah, those are wiper shafts. And it was confusing me because I didn't think it moved, but it did. So now I'm just going to hit it with some... to hopefully make it move better. Nathan, what you doing up there? Putting headlight thingy things in. Nice. I am wiring up more Deutsch connectors to our headlight wires. This one, I've already got this one installed, so this headlight is hooked up. That headlight is going to be hooked up in a moment.
That headlight is going to be hooked up in a moment, and then we'll get our headlight switch wired up, our headlight relay wired up, and then we're going to take a drive to O'Reilly's to get some wiper blades because I forgot to bring them home from work. Then we're also going to find out what time the show is tomorrow at O'Reilly's, so we're going to keep busting on this, and we'll see you when we go for a cruise.
Alright, it's unlikely that we're going to be scraping pans, but we could shred a fan. But either way, Nathan, we're going to O'Reilly's in your Baja Bug this morning. Yeah, let's go.
Alright, so we got ambitious and decided to head down to a local Volkswagen meet that was about 15 minutes from the house at Ironwood High School, and we've got a couple Volkswagens around.
And Nathan's going to drive the car into the driveway. Give a little gas, clutch in, there we go. Alright, stop. The brakes actually feel really nice on this thing. Brakes are super powerful, huh? Yeah. Oh, parking brake. Parking brake. Yeah, there you drove your car, Nathan. Yay, high five, buddy. I can't wait to actually take it out somewhere. Yeah, besides just driving it up our driveway. Yeah, Nathan, your car is alive. Yeah, it is. But we still have a lot more work to do.
So, a very successful two maiden voyages, kind of. Yeah, one that's not even a half a mile away to O'Reilly's, one that's like 8 miles away down to Ironwood High School and their Volkswagen show down there. Yeah, that was fun. So, that was a very cool way to test the car. We learned that the transmission, the fourth gear, is still very, very noisy. Yeah. Yeah, I think sooner rather than later, we're going to have to have this transmission gone through because I don't think it should be that noisy. But yeah, we'll see how it goes.
Alright, back from the show, back to work on the Baja Bug. I just got the back edge of the front end trimmed so that we have a nice body line against the front cowl, and the hood can sit all the way down on that hood seal, and we won't chip up the paint along the cowl anymore. I got the two plates knocked off the front end where it used to be held in place with some hood pins there. I'm honestly kind of tired. Nathan called it quits after sanding down this fender. That gives us one fender almost ready for some preliminary body work and some paint, and the front end is a couple steps closer to paint as well.
Alright, not much happening on Sunday other than rear fenders are sanded. Nathan did both of those. I've been working on this one here, and this has been the better portion of all day and a good portion of yesterday too, before I just was like, you know what, I need to relax a little bit. So, got a little bit more to go right here, right there, and right there, and the rest we're going to have to do by hand. This isn't really fun, but it's got to be done. I'm going to keep on doing it.
Alright, we're going to wrap it up with this. The front end is completely sanded down. We've got some glazing putty just to fill up a lot of the pinholes. I don't even know if you can see it on the camera. Okay, like that, as well as there was some prior repair work here. Not very good repair, well, yeah, it was good enough, but it just had a little divot, little low spots through here. So, we've got some kitty hair there, we've got some kitty hair there, and there, and there. I just put a piece of duct tape on the back side to give it a backer to push against, push the kitty hair in, and now that's filled in. Once all this is cured up, we'll go ahead and block sand all this down, and then we'll probably give the entire thing a skim coat, kind of like this, of glazing putty.
Mainly because we're out of primer and I don't feel like spending another $100 for a front end and some rear fenders when glazing putty, that's essentially what high build primer is. It's just sprayable body filler. Well, I've got spreadable body filler, plenty of it left over as far as the glazing putty goes. Yeah, we just definitely have a lot of actual filler too, but who knows what we'll have as far as projects in the future. And/or I'll just donate it to my buddy up in Flagstaff who's probably going to help us, or rather I am going to help him do all the work on our 23-window Bus at work. That's a completely different video series that we will be getting to.
Wait, so he's basically going to be restoring it? Kelly will be doing all of the sheet metal restoration. Nathan knows Kelly. Yeah, Nathan has driven Kelly's Land Cruiser. Yeah, that was probably the coolest car I've driven. One of like his 10 Land Cruisers. But anyway, probably 20. He might have 20 Land Cruisers. There's probably a lot that we don't know of too. Possibly.
So, with that, I'm Sam. I'm Nate. Thank you guys for watching, and remember, life's full of good people. If you can't find one, be one. Later guys.
I don't know if you can see us or not, but we are driving to O'Reilly's. Headlights are on. High beams, turn signals, everything works. Not that you guys can see it from inside. Nathan, where we going? Oh, oh, oh, O'Reilly's down the street.